ACT Reviews 2022-2023 Season

THE ADDAMS FAMILY Director: Caroline Coles Musical Director: Treona Holden Choreography: Rachel Cooper Acton Amateur Operatic Society There was an open stage on which UK

Productions supplied the Addams gothic pile complete with suspended candles, large gates, a sweeping staircase, and an upside down “A” in the stone work. The lighting and sound plots enhanced the ghoulish atmosphere.

The costumes from Molly Limpets, including some sourced by the society, and those of the children’s made by Barbara Bisoham, were all excellent. Wigs, hair and make-up completed the character presentation. The tone of the piece was set: the audience was looking into the strange world of the Addams Family. The direction was full of detail and we were given all the iconic characters of Charles Addams, and more. This was a slick production which held the audience throughout with its creative choreography, and an orchestral sound that filled the auditorium.

From the opening, “When you are an Addam”, the show became alive: it was full of unrelenting energy. The ancestors were first seen moving around the foyer and then making their stage entrance from the auditorium. Along with the ensemble, supporting cast, and “The Kids”, they were mysterious and spooky, whether alive or dead. We have such memories of this dysfunctional family from the original T.V. series, on film, and the latest popular

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