ACT Reviews 2022-2023 Season
younger person into the care worn and worried adult who yearns for some fun and to be a version of her younger self again. Mark Rosenthal also had a trinity of his own as milkman, gynaecologist and policeman, each dialogue delivery was excellent. These three characters are on in the first half only but each have great lines to be delivered that really reinforce the humour of Act 1. It was clear that the director, James
Schofield, had a clear idea of how the play was to run, the staging, set design, choice of music that began and ended each act and the development of each character. There was light and shade throughout (not just the lighting itself) with humour, laugh out loud moments to darker tones that bring this play to an emotional and tragic end. On leaving the theatre it made me reflect on how much nature and/or nurture can impact on our lives and those close to us. The overall production made for a very enjoyable evening of theatre.
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